Thursday, March 6, 2008

MCA! 12th General Elections, 2008

"If DAP wants to fight UMNO, then it should contest against UMNO." ~Wong

Come on!!! These guys are intent on clinging to this sad old cliche like it's some sort of magical mantra... Like a broken record! Yea the people want more corrupt Chinese Ministers to be token puppets in Parliament? They must be so scared shit to now, resorting to fear tactics... What an insult to the Malaysian Chinese population.

MCA is so far removed from the people they supposedly represent they are not even in touch with the what they want. Race is no longer an issue. It has no relevance today. Wake up it's 2008 not the 60s! At least do some homework la elections are in 2 days... Address the real issues instead of skirting around them!

It's like if I were to say if this guy blames Anwar why doesn't he contest against him? Tell it to all the Chinese in Kelantan voting for PAS! Maybe MCA should try to win some seats there. talk nonsense, some more. Nothing to say, don't say anything! Boo! Shame! Shame! MCA is embarrassing us all.

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