Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Rakyat Have Spoken Loud and Clear

Officially The Barisan Rakyat caused upset Kedah, Penang, Kelantan, Perak and Selangor. Byee Khir Toyol the MB no more, Bye Samy! Chow Mai Fun got Chow Yau Yi! Nazri the ass won la - Crap!

I think my guy Lim Lip Eng won too!!!

The rakyat have spoken! Now they have to listen or we'll scream!

T. Adnan, sorry the rakyat has more faith in a bunch of unemployed women bloggers than BN. Amongst them; Tony Phua, Nik Nazmi, Jeff Ooi and Elizabeth Wong. Hahaha!

BTW does self employed = unemployed? If so, I guess I'm guilty.

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