Sunday, March 2, 2008


With less than a week to the Malaysian General Elections, the heat is on and the poo-slinging is way appealing to my shit-stirring side...

Attended an opposition ceramah (rally) two nights ago at Brickfields with all the opposition bigwigs Anwar, Gobin Singh & Co. that really got my heart pumping. It was exciting (dirt!), feeling really patriotic at the same time! Basically it was one big hilarious Samy bash-fest. Although everyone got a real kick out of it... While highlighting the obvious faults of BN, I'm not sure they communicated plans on how they'll be effective. I want change, but still need to be convinced the opposition can make it happen!

Confused! Confused! Confused!

Have been haunting these sites lately:

Most of the stuff online are pro change and there are some pretty decent resources to help voters make an informed choice. Sorry! If you want the BN side of things you'll read the newspapers. LOL!

Still not sure who I'm voting for. Can't find info about my candidates ... google came up with nothing.
They are: Segambut, Ma Woei Chyi (BN) & Lim Lip Eng (DAP)
Based on looks will have to go with Lim... somebody please tell me where to get some 411 on these guys. Driving me nuts!

1 comment:

Manature said...

Hi Miso Freak,

Thanks for leaving a comment in my post Dr. Chua Soi Lek's practice safe sed advice. I have responded to your comment.

Confused? No need to be confused. Just get to know what is the most important job function of a Member of Parliament and judge for yourself if the BN MPs have fulfilled that most important job they are paid for plus pension after just 1 term (many gets multiple pension). Let us hope Barisan Harapan Malaysia can become a reality as I believe one of their objective is to abolish race-based divide and rule politics.

Do you believe only BN has the capability to govern the country? What I know is that over the past 2 decades, the BN has misgoverned the country and if not corrected, Malaysia is headed for the dumps when our oil money runs out. We have plenty of talent. What we need is sincere, honest, and not corrupted politicians who have the interest of the country and not of themselves, to run the country.

Hidup Barisan Harapan Malaysia!!!!


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